If you have not read ‘The Absolute Essence of Inheritance Tax Planning’ then this is probably the best time to get it for three reasons.
- Firstly, after just under 18 months in publication in remains an Amazon #1 Bestseller in Tax Law! That’s because it does what it says on the tin … for taxpayers and professionals. It works. It’s a game changer!
- Secondly, the financial magazine ‘Money Week’ has described it as ‘One of he Best Four Books on Pensions and Taxation.’
- Thirdly, I have just updated the manuscript for a few formatting and spelling errors. Yes, even after weeks of proofreading, spellchecking and running professional proofreading software there are ALWAYS refinements. So, this is the absolutely best version to date….and available from today.
You can preview part of the book and download it at a really amazing price from – https://amzn.to/2wWZk5b
A second edition is planned, probably for Autumn 2019, which will include an analysis of the OTS Review of the inheritance tax regime which is anticipated in the coming months, a separate chapter on pension planning and updates to the crucial chapters on planning for investment portfolios and businesses.
Readers of my blog may well see the bare bones of the chapter on pension planning in the next month or so – Stay tuned