A very good afternoon,
As you may already be aware, new digital privacy regulations will be introduced on 25th May relating to General Data Protection (GDPR). I need your consent to send you email communications, particularly those relating to my tax blog which focuses on important developments in the sphere of capital taxes.
It has been a good while since I reviewed my list of subscribers and it may be that your circumstances and needs have changed over time.
I would very much like to stay in touch and if this remains your wish then could I ask you to simply email me at [email protected] with ‘Lets stay in touch’ in the heading.
If you do not respond, that is of course fine, but I will then need to remove you from my email communications database including that for my tax blog after 25th May 2018. It would be great to stay in touch but I will understand whatever your decision may be.
Thank you very much for your help.
Stephen Parnham